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Superbike Depot INC.



Regular price $152.99 CAD
Regular price $159.99 CAD Sale price $152.99 CAD
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The LITHIUM US is an advanced microprocessor controlled charger

specially designed to charge and maintain the cells of Lithium-Iron

(LiFePO4 ) batteries – maximizing their performance and lifespan.

With up to 4.3A of charge current available the LITHIUM US is

extremely flexible and will charge LiFePO4 batteries from 5Ah to

60Ah. Operation is simple and charging will commence upon

connection. No need to disconnect the battery from the vehicle.

As the charger commences charging it will automatically connect

with the battery’s internal BMS (Battery Management System)

and gain access to the battery cells for safe and proper charging.

Charging can be restarted manually at any time using the ‘Reset’

button. Safe and easy to use.

Designed specifically for LiFePO4 (Lithium Iron) batteries.

Low voltage reset function.

Checks battery condition at each stage.

Special lithium battery functionality ensures maximum battery


Has BCM (Battery Control Module) Reset Function.

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